So now when you think back to a childhood without a cell phone, tablet or internet, what was one of the best things?

In any case, finally being able to go outside again after long cold days without sun and warm wind, right?

In spring, the days can still be chilly, but there is so much to discover! Grasses and trees are greening, buds are sprouting and also the first flowers stretch their heads towards the sky.

In the trees, the birds are chirping, insects are crawling and generally everywhere life awakens from it’s winter sleep.

Annie and Malou‘s favorite place is the valley down by the quarry. There where the stream gurgles, where you can balance over tree trunks, or find frogspawn in the green pond!

With their friends Zorro de Tela and Mr. Stiggins, they can spend the whole day here without being bored for a second. Always jumping from one kingdom and one adventure to the next. So BEWARE spring =D!

Annie: Repainted Lucky doll from Spirit – Wild and free. All clothes, bag & embroidery, boots and Zorro de Tela are selfmade.
Malou: Repainted Pru doll from Spirit – Wild and free. All clothes, boots and Mr. Stiggins are selfmade.
