For many it may be boring, but my sister Lina and I prefer to vacation at home.

You don’t have to pack anything, don’t have to drive or even fly. You have those of your family and friends nearby who also stay at home. And at least here in the countryside, you can just lie in the garden at night with a sleeping bag and look at the stars.

Yet we are happy about postcards from dear people who like to fly out from time to time (like Moko, Minho and Pi who wrote us from their family visit in Japan and from our parents who are visiting Tibet for the first time). We take care of the plants in the dry out garden, our pets and those of other people who are not at home in summer. We listen to the crickets in the meadow and watch the fireflies coming out as soon as it gets dark.

Of course, it’s nice to sometimes see something different, but we can do that here too! No day is like the other and each of our forests has corners we haven’t discovered. We got streams we haven’t jumped over, or meadows we haven’t lain in yet.

And because exactly these things are so important to us, we stay here. At home. Where the heart is.

Lina: dress and sandals are selfmade
Luise: Bathingsuit and shoes are selfmade, her hat is from the flea market
