Easter is the second biggest (Christian) feast (after Christmas) and is celebrated quite big in our country.

For some, it is about the Passion of Christ (crucifixion, death and resurrection), while for us it is more about the pagan origins, celebrating the (new) awakening of nature and all life.

Important symbols are the egg and the hare that in children’s stories carries painted eggs in a pannier and fills Easter nests with them, which are then hidden in the garden and searched for by children.

Chicks and lambs are also classic Easter animals, although how anyone can eat lamb (very popular for Easter!) is completely beyond me. Putting a baby on a plate and eating it doesn’t seem very festive to me, and not exactly fitting to celebrate life itself.

Especially since bunnies and lambs made of dough are just really tasty too! Just like the Easter plait that we have for the occasion and that is also offered in many bakeries.

Unlike Christmas, where a lot of the food is about dinner, here it’s more the breakfast that is the focus and where people come together to celebrate.

And so we too gather with family and friends (sometimes on Easter Sunday, sometimes on Easter Monday) to celebrate the holiday.
If Junikohl and I only have a few pictures of the preparations to offer this time, maybe next year we will be able to post a few from the festival itself. We will see =).

Luise: everything selfmade
Junikohl: Cardigan knittet by my mom, the rest is selfmade
