As I promised, there is now a little seasonal content. And since Lina and I are still busy doing things in our apartment. “Dinge auf Vordermann bringen” as we say. 😉 Painting, redecorating, etc. You get a little insight into Junikohl’s advent activities (and her apartment).

As I mentioned earlier, she is a ardent cook and just as passionate as a baker. In this (as in others) context it is important to her that the ingredients are vegan and organic. Because – and here we agree – things are even more enjoyable when it is not at the expense of the environment, people and animals.

Particularly since it is important in the Christmas season to think comprehensively and not only about oneself – just like in the rest of the year. And if you can combine the two aspects – gusto and care – and also enjoy Junikohl´s cookies, all the better! And the acid-base balance will thank you, too! =)

In any case, I am looking forward to the doorbell ringing and Lina’s beautiful girlfriend standing outside with a cookie jar, just like she does every year!

Junikohl: Everything selfmade. The dress is knitted by our Mom
Cookies and oranges are selfmade from polymer clay. And the bakeware is selfmade, too.
