It was that time of year again when the little witch Fräulein Annika Wonder, or A. Wonder for short, had a lot to do!
Picking mushrooms, sweeping leaves, baking apple pies, knitting warm socks, and and and…
In addition, her biggest holiday was coming up at the end of the october, which was Halloween (which is also called Samhain), for which she had already started decorating her house spook sweet several weeks in advance.

She also baked for this occasion and often invited friends over for the night, because it was always nicer to celebrate together than alone! And the animals of the forest were excellent and often funny guests!
When they were there, they sang and ate together, danced or told each other scary stories!
Sometimes they also gave each other presents, trying to be particularly creative and disgusting! That was great fun!

But before that, Fräulein A. Wonder always had a set ritual that she followed on Samhain!
She put on her finest clothes and took a long walk across meadows and through woods until she reached the fields of the dead.

There were gravestones as far as the eye could see! Under trees, between grasses, next to streams or in undergrowth.
Most of the time, it was simply quiet and peaceful when you walked among them. But not on this day! Or rather: that night!

Some of the souls had of course long since moved on to live a new life! Reborn somewhere, to experience the cycle of birth, growing up, getting older and death once again.
But some were still here, bored and in great need of talking!
And that was the good thing: Fräulein A. Wonder was a great listener!
And so on this special evening, as every year on Halloween, she wandered past crosses and gravestones, mausoleums and angel statues and waited for the sun to sink behind the horizon… so that the party and a thousand conversations could begin!

Dresses, hat and Pumpkin plushie are selfmade