Now our apartment is finally ready and I have painted and decorated pretty much everything that has come under my fingers. Still, it’s a little hard for us to enjoy the Advent season, because this year there’s just too much in the world to worry about – even more than usual.

Never alone

Despite this – or perhaps because of it – we try not to hang our heads and cheer each other up, as well as others. It is very important to us not only to show our family and the people who are already close to us that they are not alone, that someone is thinking of them and that there are also beautiful things in life.

Often small gestures are enough, like a phone call, a nice postcard, a small gift or an open ear. And donating to a good cause is also part of it.

Empathy is the key to harmony

In this sense: be kind to each other, listen to each other, take care of each other just like you should take care of every living being and the world around you. Now and the whole year empathy is the key to harmony.

Linas outfit: Selfmade
Luises outfit: cardigan knitted by our mom, the rest is selfmade
