Yesterday was already the second Advent Sunday and so of course everything in our house is already decorated nicely. But since here in Germany we don’t only celebrate Christmas, but also St. Nikolaus Day on the 6th of December our cat Bina and I have dug out another box of decorations to make it even more festive!

Unlike in America, for example, where presents are given on Christmas morning, 25. December, we celebrate mainly on the evening of 24. December. The Christmas Eve.

Be barefoot for gifts

The feast of St. Nikolaus, on the other hand, combines both variants somewhat. The evening before, boots are cleaned and placed in front of the door, and the next morning they are (hopefully) filled with little things like nuts, oranges, chocolate cones and small presents. Alternatively you can hang up Christmas socks to wait for them to be filled. Obviously, the main thing is that it’s something you normally wear on your feet. 😉

St. Nikolaus is more of a small celebration, but still something that families get together for. And (not only) children look forward to getting up for in the morning. We are already full of joy and will tell you a little more about the background tomorrow … when St. Nikolaus day is here! =)

Until then,
your Luise (with Lina and Bina)

Lina: dress knittet by my mom
Luise: top and trousers are selfmade (by me), the shoulderscarf is knitted by my mom
