So, autumn is really here now

… and finally gave one or two raindrops in between. Our favorite ice cream parlor is in the winter break and we are – surprise – once again roam the nature (simply the best place to be … next to your own bed =D ). The leaves have turned beautifully in all colors of orange, red, yellow and brown and we wanted to see if it was humid enough for at least some mushrooms. And indeed! We could fill a basket full!

We also collected walnuts, firm red apples and the colorful leaves gave me a creative idea, so I filled my bag with them, too. More about that another time. 😉

Strolling with friends

With us on the road were two of our favorite folks: Lina’s beautiful girlfriend Junika Kohl (whom we all just call Junikohl) and my very best friend Minho Voigt (oh yes, we are REALLY just friends!), whom I met a few years ago at university. More about this elsewhere as well. =)

Junikohl is a great cook and I am really looking forward to the mushroom pan that she has guaranteed to prepare for us. And fortunately, unlike me, she also knows which mushrooms in our area are edible and which are not. Maybe I should read something about it here or here (in german). Just to be sure. =)

Luise: gumboots (with added paint) from Mattel creatable world, the rest is selfmade
Lina: trousers and shoes (with added paint) are from Ebay, her coat (with added closure and bottoms) from Etsy, swaeter and cap are selfmade
Junikohl: coat (with added bottoms) and (from Luise borrowed) boots are from Ebay, dress and tights selfmade
Minho: trousers and coat are from Ebay, the shirt is selfmade with special thanks to CFF Druck for the print.
