Unlike in many other countries, Christmas is celebrated here in Germany on December 24. The festive meal often takes place after dark and the gifts are given, when the lights on the tree shine especially beautiful.

In our family, a walk is also part of the annual tradition, but then usually still in the light.

A special year

This year everything was a little different. Because our parents went to visit our grandfather Aron over the holidays, instead of bringing him here for a big family reunion.

Unfortunately, Junikohl and Minho were also with their families on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, so Lina and I spent the two days together alone … which was very cozy, but also quite unusual.

However, we have made up for a real Christmas. Still not with our parents, but with our other dearest people: Junikohl and Minho (yes, we are still just friends! 😉 ), with whom we celebrated on December 26.

The rules of giving!

To prevent that it became an excess of consumption, we had thought about a few points before:

1) We have “gewichtelt”. For all those who do not know this, a brief explanation (it’s kind of Secret Santa, I think): each participant name is written on a piece of paper and drawn blindly to determine via coincidence, who may / can / should / must give something to whom.

The result
  • Lina had to give something to Minho
  • Junikohl to me
  • Minho to Lina
  • and I to Junikohl.

2) The gifts should all be used or selfmade.

3) The gifts should be wrapped in a way that avoids waste as much as possible. In cloths, reusable gift boxes, or something similar.


All four of us stuck to this, even though the guitar that Lina bought for Minho on eBay seems REALLY new.

By the way, there are a few WIP pictures of the backpack I sewed for Junikohl on Instagram. If anyone is interested. 😉

And for the WONDERFUL bike that our friends gave Lina and me, we now have to look for a suitable name.

Yes, and there were gifts from our parents, too. Mom knitted again and Lina and Junikohl were especially fond of her Schnörkelschmuck – ornament sphere. And I was impressed that even Minho got something from them.

So I have to say again: We love you mom and dad! You are the best … even if we know that mom took care of the gifts, dad. 😉


Yes, otherwise we ate delicious food, danced together, listened to Minho’s guitar playing and did a few laps around the apartment on the bike. Then we went for another walk and all in all had a very nice day and evening, which showed us that it doesn’t have to be bad to break out of established rituals and routines and to keep the mind open for new things.

In this sense: Merry Christmas and peace to all of you.


Outfits: everything selfmade
