Ideas and inspiration

I already mentioned the other day that the wonderful autumnal colors of the leaves gave me a creative idea (image the Wiki-move 😉 ). That and the great pictures and ideas of the beautiful and creative Phoenix ex machina! =)
And here you can now see how this idea and its implementation looks like: A dress (partly) made of leaves, captured by my sister Lina aka Prismascopepics.

I already mentioned that she earns her living as a photographer and this is her brand or logo, which will surely appear more often in this blog. Very handy if you have several creative people in one pile, or even in your family.


By the way, the two snails Schneggo and Snookie were bred by a dear friend of mine, who brought them for some pictures before they were allowed back into the terrarium. Unfortunately I don’t know much about these fascinating animals, so I urgently need to hear more about them from my friend.

Uhm yes, exactly: Unfortunately the leaves were quite dry and brittle after a few days and it was a bit difficult to move around in this outfit to avoid it falling apart – which it did right after the shoot. But it was still worth it for the great pictures, don’t you think? =D

Luise: everything selfmade
Lina: the coat (with added closure and bottoms)is from Etsy, the camera from Ebay and the rest is selfmade
Snails: repainted ones from a hobby store with Photoshop added probes
