In the current time it is increasingly difficult to reflect on the beautiful things.

I miss meeting friends without worrying, going to the movies or to conventions. Furthermore it is becoming more and more difficult to make a living as an artist. And I don’t just mean the financial aspect, but also the creative one. At least for me it’s not easy to dive into the flow of ideas when my head is full of worries.

The small and snowy things

Nevertheless, I am fully aware that there are many, many people who are worse off than me and my folks and I try to always keep that in mind!

And in the course of this – more than ever – to reflect on the small and beautiful things. Like the first snow this winter!

The inner child

Unfortunately, the magic only lasted one day, but we took full advantage of it. Well, at least Minho and I did. Sledding, making snow angels, building a snowman (who clearly wanted to whisper something to us!), admiring icicles …

What a shame it is that with climate change, temperatures are changing and snow is becoming more and more rare here. I, at least, am still a big fan.

And yes, I admit it, Minho looks really handsome! Whereas I look probably pretty stupid with my mouse cap. 😉

Luise: boots (with added paint) from Ebay, scarf knittet by our Mom, the rest is selfmade
Minho: coat and boots from Ebay, the shirt is selfmade with special thanks to CFF Druck for the print. Pali-scarf, trousers and cap are selfmade.
