As there has only been one nice snow day so far this year where the cold didn’t immediately turn into rain, Greta and her Papa Björn naturally had to make the most of it!

While Mama Maren and little brother Tammen were out and about, they had the garden, snow and sun to themselves and were able to throw snowballs, build a snowman and drink hot chocolate in the warmth afterwards.

As lovely as the day was, Greta dreams of finally having snow for Christmas, too!

Her Mama and Papa tell her that the last time there was snow at Christmas was when she was a baby.
Since then, it’s always been far too warm and it’s only ever rained.

Maybe, she thinks we should move the holidays to February or March. Then it would probably fit again!

Greta: all clothes are selfmade by myself
Björn: trousers from Ebay, the rest is made by myself
