It’s almost the end of april and we can hardly believe that it was still snowing last week! A white blanket over apple blossoms and daffodils. We really hope that the cold days are now behind us and that spring actually arrives. For heart and soul!

Only rain would be great now and then, so that everything can bloom and flourish!

Frühling läßt sein blaues Band
Wieder flattern durch die Lüfte;
Süße, wohlbekannte Düfte
Streifen ahnungsvoll das Land.
Veilchen träumen schon,
Wollen balde kommen.
Horch, von fern ein leiser Harfenton!
Frühling, ja du bist’s!
Dich hab´ ich vernommen!

(Eduard Mörike)

Outfit, embroidery, repaint: everything selfmade
