Actually, we had the idea that all four of us (Lina, Junikohl, Minho and me, Luise) introduce from time to time our favorite stores and establishments. To do a bit of advertising for local, small stores that are close to our hearts during the crisis.

But now a lot of things have had to close (temporarily) and so the whole action is – at least for the moment – a bit lapsed. We hope that this will change in the coming months and that we will be able to add our tips then. =)

Soul Food

However, there is one store that is still open from our selection and which Junikohl would like to introduce to you: the organic food store Momo in Bonn-Beuel and the attached Bistro Odeon. But I’ll let her tell you a little bit herself. =)

Hello everyone, my name is Junika Kohl, but I’m going by my nickname Junikohl. =) As Luise has already told you in her blog, I have a soft spot for baking, cooking and healthy eating. I myself work in a health food store (I guess this will be a future topic in Luise’s blog).

My store tip is the organic food store Momo in Bonn and especially the Bistro Odeon, which is kind of a part of it.

Every time I visit the Odeon a relaxed and almost familiar atmosphere awaited me. Colorful chairs, painted walls and rich food are brought together in a beautiful way. I’m thrilled how delicious everything taste and because a large part of the ingredients are purchased in the nearby organic store Momo, I also know about the quality of what I eat.

Of course, usually you can’t sit down to enjoy your meal here either. Unfortunately the lockdown here in Germany makes it currently impossible. But there is a delivery service and take away food. On the menu are: burgers, potato pancakes, soups and unique cakes for various occasions (which can also be completely vegan if desired). Just take a look for yourself: Odeons’s website.

Yes, and the Momo should not remain unmentioned of course. There is a huge selection of food in best organic quality with everything the conscious and responsible heart desires. Here, too, a look at Momo’s website is recommended. And a purchase even more so.

And always remember: healthy food is important for your own health!

With love
Your Junikohl

Outfit Junikohl: everything selfmade
