Lina and I are always happy when our parents come to visit! Even though they are retired, they always have a lot to do and our life is not exactly boring, too. So we see each other rather rarely, which is really sad.

However, Lina and I can’t bake very well, so mom had to do the job again. At least she brought me her personal baking booklet, so that I can at least make a marble cake someday. But to be true we actually have Junikohl for such things. =D

Our mom Eva used to be an actress in arthouse movies and our dad Karl was a teacher.

Today they mainly take care of our grandpa Aron and are involved in environmental protection and nature conservation. They go to demos a lot and especially Lina has learned a lot from their engagement. I often envy her, but at least we both got some of Mom’s creativity.

Music makes our world go around

Music has always been a matter of the heart for all of us and it was really nice to dance wildly with dad in the living room again (while Lina and mom looked bleakly at the broken light of our Schnörkelschmuck lamp). Oh yes, and dad and I realized once again that we have the same taste in shoes. Only that his have elephant size.

Like every time, we’ve resolved to see each other more often and do more together, and I really hope it works out this time! Because we simply have the best parents in the world.

Luise: (repainted) shoes from Etsy, the rest is selfmadebottoms) from Etsy, swaeter and cap are selfmade
Lina: trousers from Ebay, headband knitted by our mom, Shirt is selfmade ( with special thanks to CFF Druck for the print.)
Karl: shoes from Ebay, scarf from Etsy, glasses, trousers and Shirt are selfmade
Eva: everything selfmade
