Those who follow my blog posts may wonder from time to time who Luise is, who Lina, Minho or Pi.

To get (or keep) an overview, I (Luise) have collected a few profiles.

Probably it’s worth to have a look at this post from time to time, because something can always change. You start new hobbies and stop old ones, new friends come along, relationships change or you have a new favorite movie.

Everything is in a state of flux, as it is in life. =)

Luises outfit: everything selfmade
Backround art

Linas outfit: everything selfmade
Shirt art
Backround art

Evas outfit: everything selfmade
Backround art

Karls outfit: everything selfmade
Backround art

Junikohls outfit: shoulder scarf knitted by my mom, the rest is selfmade
Backround art

Minhos outfit: shirt from Pinkscroll, the rest is selfmade
Backround art

Mokos outfit: everything selfmade
Backround art

Pis outfit: Bag from Ebay, the rest is selfmade
Backround art

Emmas outfit: everything selfmade
Shirt art
Backround art
