Snow! It’s already the end of December and Yule Day is coming soon, but is there snow? No! A little sleet, cold and sunshine! That’s it!

Smee was outraged! For days she had been holding up her sign … or down. Depending on who wanted to see it or whom she wanted to show it to. And since she wanted to show it to EVERYONE, she held it up to the sky, to the ground, under trees, in hedges, in knotholes, under the noses of humans, fairies, goblins, and under the snouts of foxes, bears, squirrels, and anyone who cared or didn’t care.

But all this did not change anything and finally Smee was … sad.

And so it was as she was found by her friends, Dim Dschazifa and Maukatz Pogo.

“What’s wrong? Why are you so sad?” asked the human woman, “Tomorrow is Yule Day!”

But Smee only boozed.

“She forgot.” she said softly, wiping a tear from her eye.

“Who forgot what?”Dim had no idea what her little friend was talking about.

“Khione! She forgot how excited everyone is about snow on Yule day! Maybe because everyone forgot about her.”

Dim looked thoughtful, “I’ve actually never heard of her. Who is she?”

“Well,” The little pixie was getting a little excited now, “She’s the daughter of Boreas, the North Wind. And she can make ice and frost and even SNOW! And I want snow SO badly! I don’t want anything else as a gift either.”

“Well, in that case,” Dim Dschazifa lifted the tiny creature from the branches and smiled, “we’ll go find her.”

And so the two set off (Pogo preferred to stay at home, because he likes it warm and comfy). They followed the frost and sleet until it became colder and colder and the sun’s rays weaker and weaker. At some point their limbs were frozen stiff and they were shivering so badly that they were almost thinking about turning back.

Shouldn’t this be the coldest place? If they didn’t find Khione here … they probably wouldn’t find her at all. This was the harsh side of winter, and both Dim and Smee were no longer sure they wanted to meet Khione.

Just as Smee was about to suggest going back, rays of sunlight fell through the branches of ice and a woman approached them.

She was beautiful! Tall with white hair and white clothes, but instead of looking grim, she also looked sad: “You must have lost your way”, she said wistfully in a soft voice. “No one comes here voluntarily!”

“Are you Khione?” It immediately burst out of Smee. “We were looking for you!”

“For me?” the white woman was taken aback. “Why would anyone come looking for ice and frost?”

“Well” said the little one joyfully, “we’re looking for your happy side! The one that can make snow that falls softly from the sky and puts all the plants to bed with a blanket. The one who likes snowball fights and snowmen! The one that gives the Yul day its magic! Remember?”

Khione listened to the pixie’s words and indeed: with each of them came a new memory of how it had been. Cold but full of sun. White, but full of laughter and joy.

And with Smee’s excited, flushed face, she knew it could be like that again. Because there was someone who remembered and believes in her!

Lovingly Khione hugged Smee: “Thank you so much! For not forgetting me! And for reminding me of who I really am! In return, I will grant your wish!”

And indeed: when the white woman raised her hands to the sky it began to glitter in the clouds above and a short time later, yes, Smee’s Yule wish was fullfilled and it SNOWED!!!!

“Thank you, thank you, thank you!”, she exclaimed overjoyed! “For this I will tell EVERYONE about you, so that you will never be forgotten again, and every winter you will come to visit us, yes?”

“I will!” said Khione, who now also looked very happy.

And when Dim and Smee finally returned home, they realized that Khione had already been there, because over meadows, mountains and valleys was a white blanket she had spread.

Smee: Everything selfmade, Doll base from Bjd doll Chibihana Harz
Dim: Dagger from Ebay, Outfit and boots are selfmade
Khione: Everything selfmade
Pogo: selfmade out of needlefelt an polymer clay
